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Hi, my name is Renata. I am the owner of this properties, and I provide short term accommodation rental service in Vilnius. To contact me, choose the most convenient way for you from the options listed below.

Languages Deutsch, English, Lietuvių, Polski, Русский

My Listings (3)

1 0,94505,94506,94509,94510,94511,94512,94513,94516,94529,94517,94518,94520,94521,94522,94523 Ozo Parkas studio flat near Ozas ( № 7 )
Apartment Vilnius, Šnipiškės
1 0,126851,126852,126853,126854,126855,126856,126857,126858,126859,126860,126861,126862,126863,126864,126865,126866,126867,126868,126869,126870,126871 OZO PARKO Apartment
Apartment Vilnius, Žirmūnai
1 0,81382,84314,81381,81384,81383,68070,81385,81388,81389,85380,85381,85382,85383,85384,85385,85386,85387,85388,69056,69057,69058,69059 Ozo park - perfect apartment to stay in Vilnius
Apartment Vilnius, Baltupiai
I speak Deutsch, English, Lietuvių, Polski, Русский
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