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JACUZZI CINEMA LOFT - cinema & jacuzzi

3  room
110 m2
Max guests
6 pers.
Beds: 3
+ More


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A cozy apartment on two floors for your relaxation only 5 km from the Kaunas Acropolis.
The house is located in a cul-de-sac, discreet check-in/check-out.

120x180 cm Jacuzzi.
300 cm diagonal projector.
2 san. knots
Sleeps 6:
*flying bed 200x200cm
*queen size bed 160x200
*sofa bed 140x195

The projector in the Jacuzzi hall has a USB connection, we offer a flash with a mix of video clips, you can have your own USB flash with the desired video material upon arrival.
Playable video formats: MKV, MP4, AVI, MPEG4, MPEG2, RMVB, MOV.


Separate entrance

House rules

General Policy:
- All rented apartments are intended only for recreation and overnight stay. It is strictly forbidden to organize any kind of parties. If you are looking for an apartment for parties or entertainment, this apartment is not for you. The fine for organizing parties is EUR 200;
- We are very careful about order and fresh air in the apartments. We declare and promise this to our customers. For this reason, smoking is strictly prohibited in the apartments. The fine for smoking is 200 EUR;
- Although we love animals, we do not allow pets to come to the apartments, considering our future customers who may have allergies;
- Customers themselves are responsible for their own safety in the apartments;
- If you cause damage, you must inform us and compensate us for the amount of the damage.
- Apartment rental in advertisements is always indicated for two persons.

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Reviews (3)

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Great May 2022
Laaabai skoninkai irengtas butas. Likome patenkinti poilsiu.
Yra viskas poilsiui ir ne tik :) Rekomenduoju


Great November 2021
Nuostabūs apartamentai, ypatinga švara. Rasite visko, ko tik gali prireikti. Didžiausios rekomendacijos
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120 per night 2 pers.
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Dates of stay
Minimum nights: 1
Extra guest fee after 2: 20
Rent for 3 hours: 100
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JACUZZI CINEMA LOFT - cinema & jacuzzi

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Great May 2022
Laaabai skoninkai irengtas butas. Likome patenkinti poilsiu.
Yra viskas poilsiui ir ne tik :) Rekomenduoju


Great November 2021
Nuostabūs apartamentai, ypatinga švara. Rasite visko, ko tik gali prireikti. Didžiausios rekomendacijos


Great November 2021
Nuostabus apartamentai, gražus interjeras. Tikrai rekomenduoju nuvažiuoti jaukiam poilsiui su antra puse
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