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Ramūnas & Rita

Hi, my name is Ramūnas & Rita. I am the owner of this properties, and I provide short term accommodation rental service in Kaunas. To contact me, choose the most convenient way for you from the options listed below.

Languages English, Lietuvių, Русский

My Listings (7)

1 0,131431,103212,103213,103225,103223,103214,103210,103226,103215,103216,103218,103219,103220,103221,103222,103224,103211,103227,103229,103230,103231,103232,113507,103233
Cosy and chic flat with terrace and beautiful river views
Apartment Kaunas, Centras
1 0,54555,54554,54552,54547,54562,54477,54561,54548,54551,54489,54481,54550,54486,54558,54559,54474,54485,113510,54487 Napoleon hill apartment with amazing terrace
Apartment Kaunas, Šančiai
1 0,124490,124491,124492,124493,124494,124495,124496,124497,124498,124499,124500,124501,124502,124503,124504,124505,124506,124507,124508,124509,124510,124511,124512,124513 Queen Barbora Central Lofts
Apartment Kaunas, Zaliakalnis
1 0,60311,60318,60312,60313,60314,60315,60316,60317,60319,60320,60321,60322,60323,60324,60325,60326,60327,60328,56849,56844,60329,60330,60331,60332 A new studio with perfect river view
Apartment Kaunas, Centras
1 0,125722,125718,125747,125720,62157,91729,125716,125717,125719,125721,125723,125724,125725,125726,125727,125728,125729,125730,125731,125732,125733,125734,125735,125736 Luxury apartment in the center of Kaunas
Apartment Kaunas, Centras
1 0,83728,83532,83527,83533,83735,83528,83535,83526,83529,83530,83531,83534,83729,83730,83731,83732,83733,83734,83736,83737,83739,83740,113506,83741 Piano apartment with view to courtyard
Apartment Kaunas, Centras
1 0,114932,114926,114937,114927,114928,114929,114930,114931,114933,114934,114935,114936 Exclusive apartments in Pagėgiai
Apartment Pagegiai
Ramūnas & Rita
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