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Hi, my name is Anelle. I am the owner of this properties, and I provide short term accommodation rental service in Klaipeda. To contact me, choose the most convenient way for you from the options listed below.

Languages English, Lietuvių, Русский

My Listings (3)

1 0,121802,121803,121804,121800,123038,123039 Vanile apartment with balcony
Apartment Klaipeda, Debrecenas
1 0,116619,116626,116620,116623,116622,116618,116621,116624,116625,116627 Studio flat "Duetas" in the central part of Klaipeda
Apartment Klaipeda, Vetrunge
1 0,93386,93369,93371,93374,93372,93379,93382,93388,93390,93393,93394 Art Deco apartment with city view
Apartment Klaipeda, Debrecenas
I speak English, Lietuvių, Русский
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