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Vacation house rentals in Birstonas
We found 4 offers
Accommodation Special offer Experiences
1 0,119397,119398,119399,119400,119401,119402,125490
Apartment for rent in Birštonas
Flat Birstonas
Flat · 2 Rooms · 5 guests
Balcony · Separate entrance · Air Conditioning · Pets allowed
Details 50 per night
1 0,130536,130539,130538,130540,130541,130542,130543,130544,130545
One room apartment
Flat Birstonas
Flat · 1 Rooms · 2 guests
Balcony · Separate entrance · Pets allowed · Shower
Details 40 per night
1 0,116632,116630,116642,116634,116641,116638,116631,116633,116635,116636,116637,116639,116640,116643
EVARENT apartment for rent in Birstonas
Flat Birstonas
Flat · 2 Rooms · 4 guests
Balcony · Terrace · Shower · Internet
Details 60 per night
1 0,120831,120832,120833,120834,120835,120836,120837,120838,120839,120840,120841,120842
Three room flat with balcony
Flat Birstonas
Flat · 3 Rooms · 5 guests
Balcony · Shower · TV · Free parking
Details 50 per night
1 - 4 / 4
1 - 4 from 4

Looking for a place to stay in Birstonas ?

Trumpam.lt offers a huge selection of a private accommodation and apartments rentals offers for short term rent in the best locations of Birstonas  at an affordable price. With Trumpam.lt you can rent a flat, private room, house, apartment with all amenities for just one night, day or week in any area of Birstonas  directly from the owner.

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